Thursday, July 26, 2012

On Three Years

Three long years have passed
Since I last grasped
Your pudgy, soft hand in mine
For now, for the last time
Then, I had to let you go
O Son, how I wish it were not so
Even though you are just fine
In the loving care of Glory Divine.

Your earthly life was so short
That no else cared to report
That lost was Micah, my eldest son,
Just as life had begun

But how your mom and me
Miss you so unspeakably
The pain felt deep inside
No medication causes it to subside

Tell me, my son, can you throw a ball far?
I want to know, now, how you really are,
I don’t want to just pretend
But see your face, and my heart, mend
To laugh and read and run
To lay down each night
with the idea right
That our lives together had just begun
Some might call me a fool for my belief
That I will soon find relief
That our future is bright and grand
So wonderful, I can’t now understand
The joy in our future reunion
Will overpower every inkling
of present confusion
concerning peas, doctors and death,
It will be as if taking our first breath
Our hope is not in our past
But in the promises of Christ, we hold fast
To see you again when the trumpets sound
Oh, how joy at our reunion will abound
Even if we have to wait many years
Through many, many more tears


  1. Beautiful Cory ... holding you close in thought & prayer all days, especially today!

  2. Simply beautiful. Sending prayers your way

    -Susan Guilfoyle
    Aidan's mommy
